Canada Games Training Team Update

Hi everyone,
This is an update for our Canada Games participants. I am sending this out to all club coaches. I would
ask that you send this information to your athletes/parents who have expressed an interest/attended
any of our preliminary training sessions.

I hope everyone is coping well and healthy during the current situation with covid19. First and most
importantly any of our team training, camps, competitions etc. moving forward will be based on the
recommendations of the Department of Health. We do want all our athletes to feel safe and be healthy
as we move forward.

The newest information for all athletes is that we have named our two Head Coaches for the Games.
Matt McGrath and Bradshaw Campbell will be leading our teams to the Games for 2021. Both coaches
bring a great deal of experience and expertise to the positions, so we are very excited to move forward
with them at the helm. Our two assistant coaches will be named at a later date.

We are going to approach the Games with a co-coaching philosophy, so athletes will be trained by both
coaches at various times. We have not designated the male/female head coach at this time.

The Canada Games is still on schedule for the Summer of 2021. We still have preliminary plans to
continue our competitive season through the Fall and Winter of 2020/2021. What this will look like will
be determined by the Health authorities to a large degree. We do hope to have athletes attend 1 or 2
Ontario/Quebec tournaments during the year, as well as, the National Age Group Championships in
early April (most likely Edmonton). This will be complimented by a number of regional tournaments.
There will be a wrestle off for final positions in April/May of 2021. If no wrestle off is necessary, athletes
will still need to demonstrate a successful competition resume.

I will be sending out more detailed plans/expectations for Canada Games athletes once we get into a
more normal routine and the Canada Games coaching team can meet and review expectations.

Finally, our plans for training this Spring and Summer training will now depend on individual training. We
will not be sending out a specific training package at this time, due to the individuality of everyone’s
situation. Whatever training program you decide on please ensure it follows the health guidelines for

The one requirement for your training is have a log book of your training. Your training should be
noted on a daily basis (including rest days). Be ready to have a log book to talk to your coaches about
your training when we can resume on mat practices.

You should be doing elements from both cardio and muscle endurance/development. If you are doing
the challenges, do what is reasonable and build. Do not try to do all of them at the limit right away.

Cardio suggestions: (3-4 cardio sessions per week)
Running – start at 3 km. runs and add ½ km every third run until you get to 8 km. Then continue at this
distance. *You can do speed work by running quickly (do not sprint) from one telephone pole to another
and then run slowly to the next one, then fast etc. Start with a few and then add more as you get
comfortable with it.


Cycling – Start at 5 km. rides and then add 1 km. every third ride until you get to 12 km. You can do the
same kind of speed work, just go for 2-3 telephone poles.


GoPEI/Crossfit has a number of fitness classes available on line. There are quite a number available
online so choose one that works for you. Find one that gives a more intense workout if you are looking
for cardio.

Muscle endurance/development:
1. If you have weights at home continue to use them. Ensure you are working all the major muscle


2. GoPEI/Crossfit has a number of online sessions that are available for you to access which stress core
work choose these to develop core strength. Again, lots of choices here, so look around and pick one.


3. Set up challenges for yourself (these are also good to add on to core workouts) Remember to start
where your current fitness allows and build up to the number suggested.

Pushup Goal: 100 straight every second day.

Do as many as possible take a minute break and repeat until you can do 100 in a row. This will take time
and dedication depending where you are starting from. Work on eliminating sets to eventually be able
to do it in one straight set. Modify from the knees if you need to with the body straight from your knees
to your head.

Lunges Goal: every second day 50 minimum per leg. Work up to it by doing the same amount in
different sets

V-Sits Goal: 50 daily. Start in smaller sets until you get to 50

Plank Goal: 1 session each day. Start at 1minute and add 5, 10 0r 15 seconds until you get to 5 minutes

Burpies Goal: 100 as fast as possible. Break into sets until you get to your goal number. Twice weekly.
Watch your form

Wall sits Goal: 3 sets of 2 minutes

Coach McGrath recently completed the push up challenge doing 80 straight with a 1 minute break and
then 20 more. He will be aiming for the 100 straight soon! It’s your job to catch him!

These are suggestions for you to continue to keep yourself physically in shape and preparing for our
upcoming season.

Good Luck and I look forward to working with each of you in the coming months.

Tim Murphy
PEI Manager 2021 Canada Games Wrestling Team